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Deniz Akkaya

Deniz Akkaya (born 3 August 1977) is a Turkish top model, presenter, occasional fashion editor and disc jockey, entrepreneur, businesswoman, and actress who won Best Model of Turkey 1997. She is an ethnic Circassian, as the daughter of an Hatuqwai father and a Kabardian mother named Dinemyis (Apple of the eye in Circassian). She has a sister, Rigel. As the top-earning model in Turkey in the early 2000s, Deniz Akkaya is considered to be one of the most leading models in Turkish fashion history, and one of the most beautiful women of the country.

After graduating from the ISTEK SS Private High School on the Avenue in Kadıköy, she studied American Culture and Literature in Department of Western Languages and Literatures of Faculty of Letters at Istanbul University. Following the competitions Elite Model Look and Best Model of Turkey, she decided to embark on a professional modelling career.

In 2006, Akkaya became the host and lead judge of the fashion-themed reality television show Turkey's Next Top Model, the Turkish counterpart of the Top Model franchise that was hosted by many supermodels, including Tyra Banks in the United States and Heidi Klum in Germany.

Deniz Akkaya starred as Anne Noble in the American film Living & Dying (2007). She speaks fluent English. In 2009, she gave birth to her daughter in Miami, Florida, US.

In 2010, she launched the children's luxury ready-to-wear store Chic Frog by Deniz Akkaya. The American actresses Liv Tyler and Milla Jovovichhave often been noted for their resemblance to Akkaya.

In 2015, she was also entered in the Best of the Best as one of the Habertürk's top 20 winners of the Best Model of Turkey competition, and finished first amongst the former female titleholders who found entry in the large-scale survey that lasted for fifteen days.

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